Make a gift

Make a Gift

What makes Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea a warm, welcoming, empathetic and successful community is the multitude of people who make up our family. Financial contributions are an important way for us to work together and help the LTSM community grow and improve itself.

Thank you for your interest and for helping us build a stronger community!

Parents and students are involved in humanitarian actions organized by Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea and the amounts resulting from these actions are redirected to centres such as “Adăpostul de Zi și de Noapte pentru Copiii Străzii”, Centre for Children with Disabilities, sector 5, Day Centre “St. Iosif ”, “Henri Coandă” Residential Centre for Children, Bacău, associations such as the “Ana și Copiii” Association, the “Speranță pentru tine” Association, the “Pro Vita pentru Născuți și Nenăscuți” Association, the case of the Bach family, supported by the ”Mereu Aproape” Foundation, The project “Ajută o mamă să se ridice din nou” through the Regina Maria Social Innovation Foundation and cases of children from disadvantaged families in rural areas through the “Atelierul de Bine” Association, Luncile Kindergarten (Vrancea County), Special School No.1, Bucharest, “Casa Iosif” Placement Center, Bucharest.