

School Rocks

School Rocks No. 18

School Rocks No. 11

School Rocks No. 17

School Rocks No. 10

School Rocks No. 16

School Rocks No. 9

School Rocks No. 15

School Rocks No. 14

School Rocks No. 13

School Rocks No. 12

School Rocks No. 7

School Rocks No. 6

School Rocks No. 5

School Rocks No. 4

School Rocks No. 3

School Rocks No. 2

School Rocks No. 1

Firul Ariadnei

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 26 2023-2024

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 19 2016-2017

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 25 2022-2023

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 18 2015-2016

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 24 2021-2022

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 17 2014-2015

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 23 2020-2021

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 16 2013-2014

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 22 2019-2020

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 21

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 20 2017-2018

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 15 2015-2016

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 14 2014-2015

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 13 2014-2015

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 12 2013-2014

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 11 2013-2014

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 10 2012-2013

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 9 2012-2013

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 8 2011-2012

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 7 2011-2012

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 6 2010-2011

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 5 2010-2011

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 4 2009-2010

Firul Ariadnei Nr. 3 2009-2010


Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea is in its fourth participation in the eTwinning community, either as a collaborator or as an organizer. The LTSM eTwinning program aims to develop two of the five values contained in the Principle of the Five Is, namely: INTEGRITY – through community learning, training and development of students’ skills in various fields – and INTERNATIONALISM – by promoting intercultural dialogue.

2017 -2018 – „Slow down, you eat too fast!” – Healthy Lifestyle
2018 – 2019 – „Moonlit Avenues” – Short Story Anthology
2019 – 2020 – „Backpack. Ready. Go.” – Around the school in 80 days
2020 – 2021 – „Paper Miracles” – The art of origami
2021 – 2022 – „Autumn in My Country” – a project about traditions, nature and poems

2022-2023 – LTSM became an eTwinning School member for an indefinite period starting in 2021, as recognition for its involvement in international educational projects within the eTwinning community. The theme of the project carried out by middle and high school students this school year was titled “School Magazine” and was based on 21st-century topics such as lifestyle, safety in our living environment, natural heritage, social life, and entrepreneurship. Each month, students submitted an activity report to the coordinating teacher, and at the end of the year, the final version of the magazine was published.

The primary cycle’s eTwinning coordinator, Gabriela Pătru, proposed new projects (such as Women’s Day, Other Spring Traditions, and National Sports Around the World), which were subsequently approved. She also participated as a member in two of the platform’s projects.

2023-2024 –  The theme of the project carried out by middle and high school students this year was titled “Story Writing Swap” and involved exchanging stories between eTwinning communities. Each group wrote half of a story and then exchanged it with another community to be continued and completed.


Primary school students participated in online meetings with eTwinning members, discussing traditions and customs specific to their respective countries under the theme “Xmas Cards Exchange.” Additionally, the students crafted Christmas cards, which were sent to partner countries via the Romanian Post. In turn, they eagerly read the cards received from their peers in other countries.


Entering the fifth year of broadcasts, the RadioMea project represents the natural evolution of the Public Speaking club in which LTSM students participate and aims to develop oral communication skills and techniques for maintaining public attention. RadioMea broadcasts include moments of interaction with the public, but also with special guests, as well as newsletters: reviews of films, poems or fascinating and current news.


Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea is in its fourth year of participation in the English language contest-festival Wordfest, held in the form of a show divided into six categories: group performance, individual performance, improvisation, poetry, storytelling and persuasive speech. The main objectives of this project are to create a supportive framework for evaluating and improving students’ creativity in terms of artistic performance and to encourage social interaction between students from different international schools.

Visit Wordfest website here:


Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea expands the national curriculum through the Global Living Programme – created to ensure a better understanding and assimilation of the theoretical notions taught to children. This program includes:

The Houses

The students of Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea are distributed in three different houses, individualized by name, emblem and specific attributes, namely: HOOVENDASH – the strong and loyal, RUMBLESNAP – the extraordinary and creative and WIZENNWING – the intelligent and clever.

The objectives of this program developed within LTSM are:

  • creating a social identity by developing a sense of belonging to the community
  • developing a cohesive environment, giving students the opportunity to collaborate effectively regardless of age
  • developing a competitive environment that leads students to desire self-improvement, to build functional social relationships and to teach them how to evaluate and manage defeat.
My Parent, My Hero

“My Parent, My Hero” is a program organized by Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea in collaboration with PTA LTSM, whose main objectives are to strengthen the school-family relationship, develop a sense of belonging to the community and increase children’s self-esteem by valuing and presenting the parent as a model of personal / professional success in front of colleagues.

Future Jobs Experiences

The Future Jobs Experiences vocational guidance programme, organized by LTSM in partnership with renowned European universities and career consultants, serves as a valuable extension of the guidance efforts led by LTSM’s own counselors.

For several years, this program at Liceul Teoretic Școala Mea has provided high school students with unique opportunities. It includes Q&A sessions with representatives from top universities, professionals across various industries, and educational and vocational experts. Additionally, students can participate in hands-on workshops covering fields such as medicine, filmmaking, media, and 3D printing.

The Teacher Next 2U

The mentoring program “The Teacher Next 2U” is aimed for students from the three levels of study: primary, secondary and high school, with the main objectives of updating and consolidating knowledge of Romanian language and literature, mathematics, English, PSHE and developing verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal communication skills and techniques for maintaining public attention.


NIMIC NU SE PIERDE, TOTUL SE TRANSFORMĂ, a project and, at the same time, the motto of an ongoing process of social responsibility, involving students in selective recycling. Whether it is batteries, paper, plastic or other types of waste, the students have special bins in the school where they can distribute these materials. And, to make sure that the challenge really benefits nature and society, pupils regularly take part in recycling campaigns and the winning classes are rewarded with nature-friendly items or tree-planting actions.